

Child Counselling

Most People think that mental illness is only related to adults. As the society runs, the act of balancing a healthy family life and work life becomes difficult leading to adults suffering from anxiety and depression. It is true that adults tend to face mental health problems, however, the mental health of children is of equal importance. While most adults strive to fight against daily stress and concerns, we often tend to overlook the mental health of our children. Most

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Bring out the best in you and your child

Although we require a license for doing numerous things in life, there is no requirement of a license for becoming a parent and this is sometimes the most difficult of all our daily activities. These days, parenting is far trickier than it was, even one generation before. Numerous well-intentioned parents are utilizing inefficient and outdated parenting styles. And as a result, they encounter regular stress and frustration in their house.   EXPLORING TOP SIX GOOD PARENTING SKILLS IN BRIEF Let’s

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6 Great Habits to improve your children’s immunity

It is normal for your little kids to get fever, cough, or cold once in a while. However, don’t let the virus and bacteria disrupt their development. Therefore, boost your kids’ immune system by doing these smart habits:   1. BREASTFEEDING There’s no doubt that breast milk provides the best and complete nutrition for babies ever since they were born. The yellow colostrums, which come out in the early days after the labor, are proved to have antibodies that can

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5 main reasons you should minimise your kids’ toys

Looking for ways to keep your kids busy? If so, then there is no need to get into a panic mode purchasing stuff online for them. It goes without saying that kids need a large number of toys if they spend all of their time at home. You might be thinking that kids with more toys keep themselves amused and entertained all day long. But having a smaller amount of toys has some of the biggest benefits. In this article,

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3 Fun Educational Activities for 2 year olds

It shouldn’t come as a surprise when your child suddenly gets bored with an activity or two that used to be his/her favorites – it just means that he/her needs to transition into activities that are now more appropriate for his/her age and will make him understand his actions, feelings and behaviour more. If your child recently turned 2, here are some fun educational activities that you can try:   SIMON SAYS Simon Says is a simple yet classic game

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